Air Conditioners Faliro Thessaloniki - Tzatzos Georgios - Refrigeration Facilities Thessaloniki - Ventilation Thessaloniki - Air Conditioning Installations Thessaloniki

Air Conditioners Faliro Thessaloniki - Tzatzos Georgios - Refrigeration Facilities Thessaloniki - Ventilation Thessaloniki - Air Conditioning Installations Thessaloniki

28170 Visitors:
Address: 23, Arxaiologikou Mousiou Str.
Area: Thessaloniki
Telephone: 2314020561
Mobile: 6938930540
P.C.: 54640
Fax: 2314020561
Responsible: -
Responsible phone: -
The company TZATZOS GEORGIOS is based in Faliro, Thessaloniki and is active in the field of air conditioning. We undertake the study and installation of the air conditioner, maintenance, service of all types of air conditioning. We are at your disposal to find together the ideal solution that suits you. Our specialized staff directly covers the needs of our customers from where we are asked in Thessaloniki, Kalamaria, Charilaou, Toumpa, Efkarpia, Analipsi, Thermi, Nea Redesto. We undertake th...
28170 Visitors:

23, Arxaiologikou Mousiou Str., Thessaloniki

28170 Visitors:

The company TZATZOS GEORGIOS is based in Faliro, Thessaloniki and is active in the field of air conditioning.

We undertake the study and installation of the air conditioner, maintenance, service of all types of air conditioning. We are at your disposal to find together the ideal solution that suits you. Our specialized staff directly covers the needs of our customers from where we are asked in Thessaloniki, Kalamaria, Charilaou, Toumpa, Efkarpia, Analipsi, Thermi, Nea Redesto. We undertake the service in all branded air conditioners and ventilation, Fujitsu, Daikin, Panasonic, Hitachi.

Whether it's home air conditioning or business, central units. Our goal is quality of work, consistency, at the most reasonable market prices.

Excellent technical solutions.

Air conditioning Thessaloniki Kalamaria Charilaou Toumpa
Ventilation Thessaloniki Kalamaria Charilaou Toumpa
Air conditioning installation Thessaloniki Kalamaria Charilaou Toumpa
Refrigeration works Thessaloniki Kalamaria Charilaou Toumpa
Air condition Thessaloniki Kalamaria Charilaou Toumpa
Tzatzos Georgios, air conditioning, ventilation.
Air Conditioners Faliro Thessaloniki, Refrigeration Facilities Thessaloniki, Ventilation Thessaloniki, Air Conditioning Installations Thessaloniki,


Air Conditioners Faliro Thessaloniki - Tzatzos Georgios - Refrigeration Facilities Thessaloniki - Ventilation Thessaloniki - Air Conditioning Installations Thessaloniki Air Conditioning Study
Air Conditioners Faliro Thessaloniki - Tzatzos Georgios - Refrigeration Facilities Thessaloniki - Ventilation Thessaloniki - Air Conditioning Installations Thessaloniki Air Conditioning
Air Conditioners Faliro Thessaloniki - Tzatzos Georgios - Refrigeration Facilities Thessaloniki - Ventilation Thessaloniki - Air Conditioning Installations Thessaloniki Air Conditioner Repair - Maintenance
Air Conditioners Faliro Thessaloniki - Tzatzos Georgios - Refrigeration Facilities Thessaloniki - Ventilation Thessaloniki - Air Conditioning Installations Thessaloniki Refrigeration Facilities
Air Conditioners Faliro Thessaloniki - Tzatzos Georgios - Refrigeration Facilities Thessaloniki - Ventilation Thessaloniki - Air Conditioning Installations Thessaloniki Aeration
28170 Visitors:

23, Arxaiologikou Mousiou Str.

Telephone: 2314020561
Mobile: 6938930540

Working Hours
